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Athleta + Destira

Behind Every Successful Woman is a Group of Other Women Cheering Her On

We believe in collaboration, in making connections, in building relationships with our customers and our partners. We believe that no one reaches their greatest accomplishments alone. We believe in celebrating every win, how ever small, because every micro-skill is progress towards the perfect routine.

And when everything comes together in a perfect layout, perfect landing, or perfect leotard — large or small, you just have to give it a shout, right?!


Teaming up with Athleta Girl

Both Destira and Athleta have shared missions of female empowerment at our core. And we’re real-life friends, too, making our collaboration all the more fun and rewarding.

We have been somewhat quietly making leotards in collaboration with our pals at Athleta Girl for five years, and this year is our biggest and most impactful yet. We are thrilled to be working with another athletic apparel company that shares our vision of empowerment through sport and beyond excited to share our product with Athleta’s large audience.


Destira for Athleta

On you can shop four Destira styles exclusive to Athleta Girl, all with the same design and production team that backs our in-house collections, so you know you’re getting the same softness and quality you know, love, and trust. With colorful, elevated styles that compliment the rest of Athleta’s fall catalog, we could not be more proud of the leotards we’re making together.

Shop Athleta Girl for exclusive Destira styles you won’t be able to pick up anywhere else on here.
