Destira was born from Love.
Born, raised and nurtured in the gym. Thirty years ago our founder (and mom!) combined her passion for designing gymnastics leotards with her love for gymnastics and turned it into a business.
Since then, Destira has empowered gymnasts around the country - from the athlete braving a forward roll, a flip flop or double back to the gym mom who’s always been cheering for her.
We help girls express themselves by producing an apparel line that’s high quality, super comfy and as unique as each athlete who chooses us.
We partner with thousands of gym clubs and hundreds of thousands of gym families across the country.
Family- and women-owned, Destira is designed, produced and celebrated in the USA.
Gym moms.
Girl power, to the max.
Gymnastics is part of our make-up, it’s the throughline of our family, three generations, and growing.
Born from an act of love, we put our passion into our gymnastics products and services daily.
We are our customer base.
And through the experience of creating, enhancing and building a business that has not only sustained our family, but has grown to sustain a team of almost 25 Destira employees and have proudly outfitted over one million gymnasts (and counting!).
We’ve grown with our customers, changed with the times and upgraded what gymnasts everywhere are wearing when they train, perform and live.

We serve that little girl who doesn’t know her strength yet, but has a desire to leap, cartwheel and tumble.
We serve that tween athlete who had built up her muscles and surprised even herself. She's found her voice, managed her mindset and knows she can accomplish anything she decides to do.
We serve the gym mom who is happy just seeing her little girl shine.
The gym coach who truly lives for her team’s potential.
The gym owner who is living the entrepreneur dream and empowering a community of local girls.
We are who we serve.
We see them. We see you.
We honor them. We honor you.

We’re on a mission to make sure everyone is heard, confident, comfortable and able to do anything without letting what they’re wearing hold them back.
We are… self-confidence.
We are… comfort.
We are… leadership.
We are… power.
We are… here.
We are Destira.
Proudly designed and produced in the USA.
Dreamed up, designed and created by a working mom. Continued and led by working parents who not only find a work life balance, but make it one of their key missions to keep it a reality - for them and the humans they work with.
Quality, functional, on trend, and durable.
(How durable? Let’s just say “hand-me-downs” leotards could be mistaken for “brand new” for generations to come.)
We know that you’re busy and we know that you’re either running a business, a team or a household. Outfitting your girls in sports shouldn't add to your list of must-do’s. We want it to be on your list of can’t-wait-to-do’s.