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Mother's Day, 2020

destira mother family gymnastics leotards

To our Community in honor of Mother's Day, 

We're really earning that World's Greatest Mom mug this year, aren't we?

Our kids’ schools and activities are on hold, and whether we’re trying to work from home, work our essential jobs under unusually stressful circumstances, or “just” keep our households running, the many hats of motherhood have been a lot lately.

But we are able to face 2020’s unique challenges with confidence because you are here with us, because we’re doing this thing the way we mothers have always done it—together. With deep gratitude for the entire village of partners, teachers, coaches, and friends, no one can empathize quite like other mothers, which is what makes our community so essential.

team destira mothers gratitude gymnastics

So, fellow Mothers, we salute you. For adapting to whatever your “new normal” looks like today. For sharing your triumphs large and small. For learning new math so that you can teach it to your kids.

We salute you for giving up your living room for a home gym so your daughter can keep working out. For playingwith real enthusiasmone more round of Go Fish before bedtime (which has being creeping later and later, hasn’t it?). For doing your best to stay positive for your kids, even when some days that positivity feels more challenging to come by than others. You're doing a great job.

We’re grateful to count you among us, wherever you are and whatever your life looks like right now. As moms we know we’re stronger together, celebrating each other, sharing inspiration, listening to each other’s stories evenespeciallywhen things get hard.

Wishing you pleasant children, fair weather, and long quiet moment every day, and particularly on this Mother’s Day.

Stay strong, be fierce, and keep in touch, 

Team Destira
