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8 Items to Pack in Her Gym Bag

8 items to pack

As any parent knows, it’s essential for little ones to have everything they need within reach when they’re at the gym. In between practicing and performing, young gymnasts use a wide range of items, including water bottles, chalk and grips. That being said, it’s up to you to make sure your gymnast’s bag is packed and ready to go! Here are eight  items you’ll want to tuck away in her gym bag before she heads to practice.

  1. Hair Ties Scrunchies and hair ties may not seem like a necessity, but they can certainly come in handy if your little one has long hair. Keeping hair tied back can eliminate an unnecessary distraction during gymnastics.
  2. A Water Bottle Whether you pack a full bottle or leave it for your little one to fill up at the gym, a water bottle is a must-pack item. Let your child choose one that suits her taste – she may be more inclined to use it if she picked it out herself!
  3. Grips Depending on the level your gymnast is practicing, you will want to pack her grips. They can keep her wrists safe and healthy as she performs.
  4. Youth Deodorant Yes, it exists! Little ones sweat, and there are specially-formulized deodorants on the market for children. Consider putting one in your child’s bag for a little freshness.
  5. A Headband or sweatband A headband can not only keep hair out of your face, but collect perspiration as you work out. Give your little one a sweatband to use in practice for easy hair maintenance.
  6. Extra Leotard An extra leotard can give your young gymnast something to change into in the event that her existing outfit tears during practice.
  7. Shorts Make sure your little one has a pair of shorts to change into before and after practice! They can be easily tucked into any bag before heading to the gym.
  8. Athletic Tape To ensure your gymnast truly has everything she needs to perform her best, pack athletic tape in her bag. It can prevent calluses and rips in the skin.
For all of your gymnastics needs, make sure you visit the Destira online store. Here, we have a wide variety of leotards, unitards and shorts for your young athlete. We also sell several accessories you can pack in any tote before hitting the gym!