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Our Favorite Self-Care Activities

The month is April, the day is... Friday? Our team is working from home for the foreseeable future, and doing our best to adapt and adjust to the current circumstances. With so much newness and uncertainty in our daily lives, we’re all trying to stay grounded by prioritizing our favorite self-care activities, because we know that we won’t be much help to others if we haven’t given care to ourselves, too. Today we’re sharing our most-loved self-care practices to encourage you to take the time to do the things that make you feel like YOU!

destira self-care

Back and Neck Massager - Myriah

I bought this back massager for my boyfriend for Christmas but it’s quickly become my own favorite self-care item. My back gets really sore, especially after long days spent at a computer or hunched over working through patterns or sewing on my machine. So, at the end of the day I turn on a show and put this massager on my back for 20 minutes and it helps me physically and mentally release the stress of the day.

Bubble Sheet Mask - Olga
My self-care item is a bubble sheet mask. Unlike a regular sheet mask that drips and dries on your face, a bubble mask starts generating tons of foam as soon as you apply it. It basically turns me into a fluffy cloud, and it’s hard to have a bad day when you’re a cloud! Bonus: my skin feels super clean and soft afterwards. Many brands have their own versions of this! The one I’m using is from Korea and no longer available, but Sephora and e.l.f. have similar ones.

Coffee in My Favorite Mug - Jacqui
As a creature of habit, I love having a morning routine to help start my day off right. One of the first things I do every single morning is make a big pot of coffee. Lately, coffee has been my lifeblood. I’ve been taking it with a generous splash of oat milk, then guzzling it from my favorite mug.

Crocheting Amigurumi Animals - Darcie
I take care of myself by crocheting animals. It is a meditative hobby that, when I make time for it, feels so satisfying. I also love having tea while I crochet and my recent fav is Bluebird Morning from Flying Bird Botanicals. Right now, I’m crocheting “The Child” from The Mandalorian.

destira self-care sourdough

Epsom Salt Baths - Janine
One of my favorite self-care products is Epsom salts! After a long bike ride or over-enthusiastic yoga practice, nothing feels better than a warm soak in the tub with some Epsom salts and essential oils to sooth my aches and help clear my mind.

Group Walks – 6’ Apart - Donna
I’m walking between 3 and 6 miles with neighbors on an almost daily basis. Even from our safe 6’ distance, we are close enough to chat about the world events while enjoying being outside together. It gives us a chance for some social contact while we all sheltering in place.

GT’s Gingerade Kombucha - Krystal
Sometimes when life gets hectic and I need a treat, I splurge on a GT’s Kombucha. It’s not an everyday thing, but they’re packed with tons of probiotics and just make me feel good. I love anything ginger, so my favorite flavors are Gingerade and Hibiscus Ginger.

Makeup Brush Cleaner - Braylee
One of my self-care habits is my makeup brushes! This should be done more than you think! It keeps your skin clear, gives your brushes a longer life (a lot are real hair!), and applies your makeup better because there is less build-up. The rubber mat I use helps get out any build-up and gets to the root of the brushes for a deep clean. I prefer the MAC brush cleanser for quick cleans (on a wash cloth), and the Beauty Blender cleanser for deep cleans (it makes them look brand new!). Remember to rinse with warm water and squeeze out any excess water and lay FLAT to dry.

Movement and Sunshine - Jen
I’ve always loved the outdoors, but more, now than ever, I crave a breath of fresh air. I used to endure full work days from my desk inside, but I need the break more than ever right now, and my kids do too!  A local walk around our street loop with fun treasure hunts or bingo, and we all win!  Kids are entertained and its meditative for me to feel warmth of the sun.

Sourdough Starter - Jodi
Baking requires my attention, so I get mindfully focused on it, especially because I use my hands (this goes for gardening and physical activities too). I love it because I can involve my kids, feed my family, and it makes me feel restored. It’s also hard to simultaneously cook and worry!

We’re on Team Self-Care Together

Whatever you need to do to feel your most awesome, we hope that sharing some of our favorite self-care practices inspires you to show up for yourself with the same love and attention you give to the people around you. 

And if you want to get to know Team Destira a little bit better, please check out our brand-new team profile page. From the clues above, can you guess which one of us dreamed of being a filmmaker when she was nine, or whose favorite thing about this job is alllll of the sparkle? Check out our crew of gymnastics-enthusiasts here.