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Reasons Leotards Are Important for Gymnasts

An exciting moment for a young child is getting the gear needed for their new sport of choice when starting out. For some young athletes, that means getting a new ball and shin guards for their first soccer practice or a new bat and glove to break in before their first tee ball game.

In gymnastics, when a new gymnast puts on her first youth gymnastics leotard, it is a feeling like no other. She can relate to the “big” girls at the gym who seem like they are always at the gym in the newest style available. She can feel her gymnastics journey progressing forward.

Did you know that there are reasons why gymnasts wear gymnastics leotards for practice and competition? Check out some of them below.  Destira Gymnasts walking against purple background in Destira leotards

Leotards provide a close fit for easy spotting. When learning new skills, coaches spot gymnasts to ensure they are learning in a safe environment. If a gymnast is wearing a baggy t-shirt with shorts, it creates an unnecessary barrier that makes it more difficult for a coach to safely spot your child. Wearing the snug-fit leotard lets the coach know exactly where your gymnast is and the coach will have an easier time properly spotting your gymnast. 
Leotards prevent restriction in movements. Gymnasts spend their entire practice on the move - whether they are running, jumping, tumbling, or swinging. Loose clothing can restrict the movement of the body more than you would think. By wearing a girls’ gymnastics leotard, gymnasts can move freely throughout the gym without clothing hindering their performance. 
Leotards allow coaches and judges to accurately see your gymnast. When starting on her gymnastics journey, no judges will be looking at your gymnast - but coaches will be! Wearing a traditional gymnastics leotard allows coaches and judges to see your gymnast perform to her fullest. 

Leotards are more than just a uniform for gymnasts. They help ensure a safe practice where coaches and gymnasts can be confident in learning new skills. Be sure to check out Destira’s full catalog of trend-forward yet comfortable leotards today
