The Meets Go On in 2021
We knew that the 2021 season would be different, but different how?
Team Destira loves meet season because we’re fantastic at designing unique commemorative leos for events nationwide and because our team enjoys traveling to meets and seeing athletes, coaches, owners, and families year after year. In-person events nurture our relationships with all of you in the gymnastics community and those connections are one of the very best perks of working in this industry.
What happened to some of our favorite Gymnastics Meets in 2021?
Some gyms are postponing their events until next year, some are opting to host virtual meets — with athletes zooming in from their home gyms to remote judges reviewing video of their performances — and some others are able to host their meets with athletes all in attendance in one place.
Aloha Gymfest (Kokokahi Gymnastics Team, HI) pivoted to a virtual format for their this year. We ran a pre-sale for their shave-ice themed leotard on our website, to deliver directly to participating gymnasts, where ever they were. Interested to know more about their virtual format? You can view and download their 2021 handbook, and watch the meet replay at their website.

Charity Choice Invitational (WA)— We pat ourselves on the back with great enthusiasm every time we come up with another fresh and beautiful umbrella-themed leotard. This annual Tacoma meet is more than just a great gymnastics competition, and we’re proud to be a part of it year after year.
Cupid Classic Invitational (Missouri Elite Gymnastics Academy, MO ) is scheduled for February 19-21 in person, and Destira is making over 1,000 custom leotards for the event. A few extras will even available to purchase on our website. We ❤ MEGA and Cupid Classic.
Great West Gym Fest (ID) opted to pre-sell their commemorative leotard during the event, for a more touchless experience. We created this flyer with their QR code so that athletes and families can easily jump to the product on our website. Their leotards will be made to order and the intrepid organizers of the this meet were able to completely skip the tasks collecting, ordering, and handing out the hundreds of leotards they usually get for Coeur d’Alene’s most family-friendly gymnastics meet.

Hall of Fame Classic (Legends Gymnastics, MA) — Another meet that went virtual this year! While the meet is over, their commemorative leo is available for pre-order through 2/21 - Just search "Hall of Fame" here on the website.
River City Classic (Premier Gymnastics, NE) — Nebraska athletes showed off how they’re making lemonade in spite of 2020’s lemons at their meet in February.
Royal Festival (Mountain View Gymnastics, WA) - The annual Royal Festival meet is on! We took inspiration from two of our popular meet designs and created something all-new and on-brand for this year’s Royal gymnasts.
Sun Devil Classic (Sun Devil Gymnastics, AZ)- is Feb 26 - March 1. Check out the gorgeous color on their leotards this year (below, right side)! We’re disappointed not to attend in person as a vendor, but athletes and their families can still shop, and connect with us on social @destiraleortards.

Postponed Meets
So many other meets were postponed this year -- Manhattan Classic (NY), Boston Classic (MA), Top Gun (OR), Heart of a Champion (CA), Classic Rock Invitational (AZ), to name just a few. We miss you and look forward to re-connecting in 2022!