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Get to Know Our Team: Heather Young

 Destira Wholesale

We at Destira are so proud of our employees, we want you to meet all of them! Each person who has chosen a career here is an ambassador of our philosophy of positivity, empowerment, and gratitude. Let’s get to know a Destira employee and take a peek behind the scenes in our new series: "Get to Know Our Team."

Working moms, actually ALL moms, can relate to the complex challenge of balancing family and personal growth. How do you stay upbeat and true to yourself when you’re moving at light speed every day, every week, every month?! We’d like you to meet our Business Development Manager, Heather Young. She assuredly nurtures so many customer relationships for Destira while taking care of her active, young family. For inspiration about being confident, making connections, and maintaining a joy for it all, we turn to Heather.

Let’s start at the beginning. Tell us how you ended up working at Destira.
Jodi [1 of 3 owners of Destira] and I had known each other for years as she and I, along with our husbands, all met managing education companies straight out of college.  We had young kids and got together on a regular basis with friends who also had young families where we often discussed the challenges of work-life balance.  We would share what our ideal work scenarios were and mine was always to make an impact without taking away from the demands of having a young family.  When I was given the opportunity to manage and build our wholesale business while working the same hours my kids were in school, it was a no brainer!

What inspired you to apply in the first place?
I’ve always been drawn to businesses where your contribution is very apparent no matter what your role is.  Growing a small business has also been a huge inspiration. Destira’s value of family first was a huge draw.

In a nutshell can you describe your position at Destira? What’s your favorite part of it?
I’m responsible for the sales and management of the gyms (primarily eastern half of the US) .  I love connecting with people, understanding their needs, and getting to know them as individuals.  Spending the day with a group of incredibly smart, dedicated, and fun people here at Destira is certainly an extra bonus.

You have a customer facing job. You connect with people all day, every day. What’s fun about that?
I get to provide my customers with something that makes them feel good and adds to the profits of the gym.  Just like Destira, many gyms are family run businesses which makes it more empowering to support them. 

Can you give us some tips on how to connect with people? Tips we can use in our everyday lives?
Listen and ask questions.  As we get more advanced with technology this doesn’t happen as much especially with something like gymnastics apparel that can be so transactional.  The more we can understand the needs of customers the more we can connect.  Who doesn’t want to go back for more when there is a connection to go along with fabulous product?!?

Destira is women-owned and run, is this significant to you? Why?
Absolutely!  I have a daughter who thinks she is ready to rule the world at age 12.  The more you surround yourself with empowering leaders the more you can pass it on and pay it forward.  I love that women-owned and run is the norm for her and is far more common than when I was my daughter’s age.

Tell us a little about your family and how Destira’s “family first” philosophy has impacted you.
I started working here when my daughter entered Kindergarten and my son was in preschool.  In the past 6 years I have rarely missed a school event and have acted as room parent in my kids’ classrooms.  I have also provided financial supported my family. The “guilt” that so many working moms feel has never been something I’ve experienced at Destira and was a constant in previous jobs.  I appreciate equally, the time I am at work, and the time I am at home because it is so balanced.  

Destira designs and sells leotards, but equally important is our message of self-confidence and empowerment. What do you do to build confidence in yourself?
I surround myself with positive, motivating, confident people both personally and professionally.

Gymnastics is recognized as being one of the toughest of all sports, ranking in the top 10. You may not be on the parallel bars or mat, but what do you do to promote your physical well-being?
Living in Portland, OR there is never a shortage of amazing outdoor areas to explore.  We are an active family that enjoys hiking and sports events.  As our kids have gotten older they dig their heels in a bit with regards to family exercise.  We’ve solved that problem by agreeing to get a puppy only if we do more hiking!

Do you have an encouraging motto for our young, female gymnasts?

And here are Heather's 3 favorite Destira leotards!

Ribcage Skeleton gymnastics leotard

Visit to see Heather's favs: Ribcage Skeleton, Luna Lavender, and Llama Love gymnastics letoards!
