Meet the Team: Morgan and Anissa - Custom Experts
Written by Madison Melancon
Written by Madison Melancon
Are you working on getting custom Destira gear for your team or gym? Are you looking to design a fun, fresh leotard for your upcoming event? If you reach out to Destira, you will be working with our fantastic custom team - Morgan and Anissa!
Morgan and Anissa have recently answered a few questions about themselves to share with the Destira community. Take a look to what they have to say below!
Let’s start at the beginning. Tell us how you ended up working at Destira. What inspired you to apply in the first place?
Morgan: I was working insurance and needed that spark of creativity and positivity back in my life. Previously I worked for a company that did team wear for swimmers and I loved it! Destira gave me a similar vibe so I decided to apply.
Anissa: I applied to be a part of Destira because I grew up in the gymnastics world and saw this amazing opportunity to have the gymnastics community in my life again, so I applied. Then, after applying I read more about their company and really knew this was the spot for me.

Morgan Felschow - Custom Sales Manager
In a nutshell can you describe your position at Destira?
Morgan: As the Custom Sales Manager I help your vision come to life!
Anissa: I am all things Custom - from reorders to ordering from booking through delivery. Plus, I am here to support anyone with any questions they may have.
You have a customer facing job. You connect with people all day, every day. What’s fun about that?
Morgan: I love connecting with people! We can learn so much from interacting with others and building lasting relationships.
Anissa: Virtually I work with so many people. It is so fun to see the vision of the leotard they are imagining come to life. Building relationships with so many people all over is extremely rewarding. I love it!
Can you give us some tips on how to connect with people? Tips we can use in our everyday lives?
Morgan: Be you and be authentic! We’re all different, celebrating those differences and embracing authenticity not only helps you connect with others but at the end of the day you’ve made an impactful relationship with someone else.
Anissa: Listen first! People want to be heard and want to know that you are there for them

Anissa Soria - Custom Project Coordinator
Tell us a little about your family and how Destira’s “family first” philosophy has impacted you.
Morgan: It’s so important to work for a company whose values align with your own. Family always comes first. My husband and I have a 10 month old son and he is our world! The “mom guilt” is always something that mothers face but Destira’s “family first” means I won’t have to choose between my career and my family.
Anissa: I have never had a job like this one- your family is always first with Destira. I have such a big family that I am now able to see more than I ever have in my life with Destira. It has not only brought me closer to my family, but also made me realize how much I was missing before having a job that will always chose family.
Destira designs and sells leotards, but equally important is our message of self-confidence and empowerment. What do you do to build confidence in yourself?
Morgan: Self-Affirmation! The words you say to yourself can either make or break self-confidence. I get so much joy from lifting up others and making sure they have the confidence to believe in themselves, so why not do that for myself?
Anissa: I always have goals - personally and professionally. I keep myself moving and make sure to have time for myself. I do things that will bring me happiness in and out of work.
Destira is women-owned and run, is this significant to you and, if so, why?
Morgan: Working for a company where your voice as a woman is respected and elevated is so important! I’ve been in sales for the better part of 10 years and not all of those spaces were positive and focused towards healthy growth.
Anissa: It is! Growing up with all sisters women have always ran my world (sorry dad, haha!). It is great to see a family- and women-owned business thriving and it feels so good to have an impact.
Gymnastics is recognized as being one of the toughest of all sports, ranking in the top 10. You may not be on the parallel bars or mat, but what do you do to promote your physical well-being?
Morgan: I practice Yoga, Barre, and take long walks with my family!
Anissa: Growing up in gymnastics I still think I can get on the floor myself and rule someone in a handstand contest…. Nowadays its looking a little different though - I get outside as much as I can and keep up with my crazy labrador retriever that still acts like a puppy.
And finally, what are your top 3 favorite leos?
Morgan: Lemon Drop, Jungle Gym, and Slow Your Roll
Anissa: Trailblazer, Poppin’ Pineapple, and Midnight Monstera are my favorite in stock right now! Custom wise - there are SO many but I love all the tie dye variations we have done. It’s big right now and I see more coming down the way that we are currently mocking up.